Tea Biscuit




We do not know Tea Biscuit's pedigree, but we do know the smaller the horse the more mischievous they are. Tea Biscuit is a well known escape artist. He is also known for breaking into the feed room. "The Biscuit" knows exactly where every horse treat, every carrot and every cookie is stored and isn't afraid to serve himself. Word of warning, he is also a skilled pick pocket. Guard your cell phones and wallets!

Tea Biscuit came from the Kentucky Equine Humane Center.

He arrived at OMRH April 25, 2013. 'Biscuit', is the mascot for Our Mims Retirement Haven and is the only non-thoroughbred that is an official part of the Haven.

This little dude is a miniature horse, with a big horse personality and ego. Apparently in his former life he was a big, striking stallion - and still perceives himself as that today! Please don't tell him any differently!

Although Tea Biscuit isn't a Thoroughbred and never raced, he does like to run to his food when it's feeding time. He's a fast little booger, and likes to kick up his heels and show off. He hates baths, but loves his BFF - Taffy - which is another miniature horse, and one of Jeanne's personal horses. He is also proud to claim that he is Kentucky-bred (still trying to rein in his inner thoroughbred stallion).

Biscuit participates in local parades, where he proudly represents the Haven, and he sees that as a big deal. Almost as big as he thinks he is!
