February 14, 1990
January 4, 2021
Sire: Wild Again
Dam: Mimbet
Grandson of Our Mims
View Pedigree
51 Starts: 8 Wins, 11 Places, 6 Shows
Career Earnings: $1,100,567
At 6: Won Flying Continental S.
At 7: Won Breeders’ Cup Sprint S. (G1)
Won Ancient Title Breeders’ Cup H. (G3)
2nd Triple Bend Breeders’ Cup H. (G3)
At 8: 3rd Palos Verdes H. (G2)
At 9: 3rd Pirate’s Bounty H.
Elmhurst arrived at OMRH on October 3, 2011.
Elmhurst loves the ladies. He is known to pop bra straps. If he sees cleavage, he will pull the shirt out and look down. He rubs bottoms and is a genuine cad! He will probably be our first sexual harassment lawsuit... But he will always be The King of Hearts here at Our Mims.